Home / Fuel Consumption Conversion / Convert Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Liter/100 Km

Convert Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Liter/100 Km

Please provide values below to convert nautical mile/gallon (US) to liter/100 km [L/100 km], or vice versa.


Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Liter/100 Km Conversion Table

Nautical Mile/gallon (US)Liter/100 Km [L/100 Km]
0.01 nautical mile/gallon (US)20425.85769811 L/100 km
0.1 nautical mile/gallon (US)2042.5857698111 L/100 km
1 nautical mile/gallon (US)204.2585769811 L/100 km
2 nautical mile/gallon (US)102.1292884906 L/100 km
3 nautical mile/gallon (US)68.086192327 L/100 km
5 nautical mile/gallon (US)40.8517153962 L/100 km
10 nautical mile/gallon (US)20.4258576981 L/100 km
20 nautical mile/gallon (US)10.2129288491 L/100 km
50 nautical mile/gallon (US)4.0851715396 L/100 km
100 nautical mile/gallon (US)2.0425857698 L/100 km
1000 nautical mile/gallon (US)0.204258577 L/100 km

How to Convert Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Liter/100 Km

L/100 km =
nautical mile/gallon (US)
nautical mile/gallon (US) =
L/100 km

Example: convert 15 nautical mile/gallon (US) to L/100 km:
15 nautical mile/gallon (US) = 204.25857698111 / 15 = 13.6172384654 L/100 km

Convert Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Other Fuel Consumption Units

Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Exameter/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Petameter/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Terameter/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Gigameter/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Megameter/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Kilometer/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Hectometer/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Dekameter/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Centimeter/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Mile (US)/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Nautical Mile/liter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Kilometer/gallon (US)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/gallon (US)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/gallon (UK)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Mile/gallon (US)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Mile/gallon (UK)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/cubic Meter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/cubic Centimeter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/cubic Yard
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/cubic Foot
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/cubic Inch
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/quart (US)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/quart (UK)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/pint (US)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/pint (UK)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/cup (US)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/cup (UK)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/fluid Ounce (US)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Meter/fluid Ounce (UK)
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Liter/meter
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Gallon (US)/mile
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Gallon (US)/100 Mi
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Gallon (UK)/mile
Nautical Mile/gallon (US) to Gallon (UK)/100 Mi